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Please click on charities in bold type to see full contact details and further information about their work, and to access their DONATE BUTTONS. Click on any advert to take you through to that charity’s own website.
The founder of the Laniado hospital in Netanya, was R’ Y Halberstam, the Klausenberger Rebbe Z’tl. Following his experiences in the holocaust he decided to build a hospital that works along the principles that kindness, hope, compassion and courage are common threads within humanity that we can use to bind us all.
The hospital treats 100,000 patients annually, irrespective of race or religion; we do not ask our patient’s background – rather how we can best help them.
Over 700 babies are born every month at Laniado’s newly refurbished maternity centre, one of the leading maternity centres in the country. It is difficult to think of a more fitting testament to the greatness of the Jewish people and Jewish survival than this.