Please click on charities in bold type to see full contact details and further information about their work, and to access their DONATE BUTTONS. Click on any advert to take you through to that charity’s own website.
020 8732 6145
Make your money work smarter and harder. SmartGiving™ is a tax efficient way of managing all charitable giving for individuals, companies, philanthropists, charities and fundraisers. SmartGiving™ can help with choosing the right charity, keeping track of how much you’re giving and making sure your donations are tax-effective.
With a SmartGiving™ Charity Account you can set aside funds so you can make a difference when you want to. It’s simple and stress-free.
SmartGiving™ also offers a HMRC approved Payroll Giving service and can support companies to set up CSR programmes enabling employees to raise money that can be matched through corporation tax profits.
When you give through SmartGiving™, you’re making a difference to causes that you care about.