Category Listing

Charities by Category:

(0)20 7486 7394

British Friends of Bar-Ilan University

020 8457 2642

British Friends of Gesher

020 7167 9150

British Friends of Haifa University

0191 478 6427

British Friends of Shema Kolenu

(0)20 8209 3010

British Friends of Shuvu

(0)20 8349 5757

British Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

020 8203 6066


(0)20 8458 9999

Ezer Mizion (British Friends of)

0800 075 7200

Friends of Nefesh B’Nefesh

(0)20 8211 1023

Friends of Rachashei Lev

(0)20 7292 2060

Friends of the Israel Cancer Association

+972 256 30017

Hassadna Jerusalem Music Conservatory

(+972) 3 6918403

I.D.F. Widows & Orphans Organisation

(0)20 8952 4717

Oasis of Peace UK

+972 54 2258886

Olim Beyahad

(0)20 8371 1500

Operation Wheelchairs Committee

00 972 2 640 50010

Seeach Sod

020 7495 6824

Technion UK (formerly the British Technion Society)

(0)20 7424 6400


07947 695136

UK Friends of Mayanei Hayeshua (now known as British Friends of)

+972 52 6633 766

UK Friends of Natal

020 8953 6474

UK Friends of Schneider Children’s Hospital

(0)20 8731 8150

Zichron Menachem UK

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