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You have indicated that you would like to make a donation to IYIM - Israel.
Online donations via are processed securely by UK Toremet Ltd (UK Registered Charity No.1140972), who will forward it to the charity on your behalf at the end of each monthly cycle. PayPal, the world's most secure processor of online transactions, will process your donation either by credit card or through your PayPal account.
Declaring your consent to Gift Aid ensures that no extra processing fee will be charged to the charity on the donation you make and UK Toremet Ltd will claim back the Gift Aid to cover their processing costs. If you are unable to authorise a claim for Gift Aid, a 5% fee will be extracted, to cover processing costs incurred by UK Toremet Ltd. If you prefer not to use this method of payment you are, of course, welcome to contact the charity direct by clicking on their dedicated website where available.