Please click on charities in bold type to see full contact details and further information about their work, and to access their DONATE BUTTONS. Click on any advert to take you through to that charity’s own website.
020 7289 2573
S & P Sephardi Community
020 8201 8111
SAGE Care for the Elderly
07960 078 603
SAJE (Strategic Alliance for Jewish Education)
N12 2GD
Save A Child’s Heart is an Israeli based international humanitarian charity providing lifesaving heart surgery and follow-up care for children from developing countries, regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality or financial status. To date we have carried out almost 7000 lifesaving surgeries on children from over 70 countries at no cost to the patients. We also train medical personnel from developing countries in paediatric cardiology:140 to date.
With the opening of our new hospital, we will now be able to increase the number of children treated and doctors and clinicians trained.
Winners of the UN Population Award 2018. Mending Hearts – Building Bridges
020 8802 3819
Schonfeld Square Foundation
020 8906 4455
Scopus Jewish Educational Trust
0141 332 4911
Scottish Jewish Archives Centre
00 972 2 640 50010
Seeach Sod
(0)20 8958 0820
020 7289 2573
Sephardi Centre (The)
Theobald Street
Opening our doors in 1902, Shaare Zedek Medical Centre has been treating and caring for patients for over 120 years. With advanced medicine and compassionate care, Shaare Zedek is known as much for the dedication and commitment of its medical teams as it is for its internationally acclaimed centres of medical excellence.
Patients have nicknamed Shaare Zedek the ‘Hospital with a Heart. With close to 100 departments serving more than half a million patients annually, it is the fastest growing hospital in the region and continues to respond to the needs of Jerusalem’s uniquely diverse population. Shaare Zedek’s friends in the UK play a crucial role in enabling the hospital to maintain and develop its ‘innovative medicine in the heart of Jerusalem’.
020 8202 4005
Shatnez Centre Trust
020 3670 1818
Shema Koli
020 8211 0901
Side by Side
Woodford Bridge Road
Essex, 1G4 5LN
The Fund, established in honour of the late Dr I Sidney Gold, first President of the Redbridge Jewish Youth & Community Centre, promotes the Doris and Sidney Gold/RAGS Scholarships. The driving concerns of his life were young people, Israel and Jewish community service and appropriately these scholarships combine all three elements. Selected Jewish students in the Essex area are assisted in funding a pre-university year on an approved study and training course in Israel with the understanding that they have a commitment to future communal involvement. The scheme’s success over nearly two decades has been the number of the Scholars who have become deeply involved in community leadership. Extra funds will enable more worthy young people to be assisted.
020 8732 6145
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